Carmel Garden Public School enlists and guides the talents, energies and aspirations of students to higher levels of achievement through opportunities of leadership, constantly nurturing, improving and reforming personalities to take on larger roles at leadership.
Monitor System- Class Level
Nominated monitors for each class-division are entrusted with responsibilities of Discipline, Education, Health and Hygiene, and Traffic and Transport. This system provides opportunities for students at young ages to step up to positions of limited leadership. Emphasis is laid on maximum opportunity i.e. all children must be given opportunities at leadership as far as possible.
Prefectorial Board – Senior Classes
At the beginning of every academic year the Prefectorial Board is sworn in an elaborate investiture ceremony. Each cabinet’s term lasts for a year, after which the next team takes over.
A nominating committee consisting of the Director, Principal, Coordinators and respective class and subject teachers identifies a set of students to don the mantle of Prefects. The members of the Prefects’ Council work together as a team to uphold the rules and regulations of the school and help to maintain discipline. Through their work as prefects they learn the valuable lesson that with authority comes responsibilities and its associated challenges. The Prefects’ Council is the first step towards our goal of creating conscientious and responsible global citizens. They also shoulder the responsibility of organizing all cultural programmes and competitions held in the school. Being student representatives, the cabinet acts as an important link between the students and the school management.